Watch GriefShare’s Caring for the Widowed to discover the best ways to minister to people grieving the death of a spouse. Each video features experts from GriefShare’s new outreach program, Loss of a Spouse. Share this video with other colleagues and church leaders.
How to wisely use Scripture with the widowed
Why it’s critical to remember that grief comes in waves
How to practically support the widowed as they develop a new identity
Should you encourage all widowed people to get their emotions out?
Is it always wise to give a widowed person a tissue?
And what are the actual signs that a grieving spouse isn’t doing well?
Caring for the Widowed features all-new interviews with pastors, counselors, and psychologists who have experienced the death of loved ones. They also have years of experience counseling grieving people.
Dr. Sabrina D. Black is CEO and clinical director of Abundant Life Counseling Center. A licensed counselor and certified addiction and biblical counselor, she helps others apply spiritual values to overcome life’s challenges, including grief.
Dr. Robert DeVries is professor emeritus of church education at Calvin Theological Seminary. His first wife of twenty-eight years died of cancer. Now remarried, he and wife Dr. Susan Zonnebelt-Smeenge work together to help people in grief and are the coauthors of many books, including The Empty Chair: Handling Grief on Holidays and Special Occasions and From We to Me.
Dr. Jeff Forrey is senior writer at Church Initiative. Formerly he was a counselor in St. Louis, Cape Girardeau, and the suburbs of Chicago. He has taught biblical counseling at several institutions, including Westminster Theological Seminary, Reformed Seminary in Charlotte, and Birmingham Theological Seminary. He is the coeditor of Scripture and Counseling and a contributor to Christ-Centered Biblical Counseling and
Dr. Crawford Loritts is senior pastor at Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, Georgia. He has preached throughout the world and written eight books. With his wife, Karen, he is a featured speaker at family life and marriage conferences.
Dr. Deepak Reju is associate pastor at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC, where he leads biblical counseling and family ministries. He serves as president of the board of directors for the Biblical Counseling Coalition and has published several books and articles.
H. Norman Wright is a grief therapist and certified trauma specialist. He is the author of more than seventy books, including Experiencing Grief and Recovering from Losses in Life. He experienced the deaths of his wife, son, and daughter.
Dr. Susan Zonnebelt-Smeenge is a licensed clinical psychologist. Her first husband died eighteen years after he was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. She is remarried to Dr. Robert DeVries. Their work helping people in grief also includes authoring many books, including Getting to the Other Side of Grief and Traveling Through Grief.
Available for preorder on May 24 (ships in August)
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